Wer bin ich als Vocal Coach?

Wer bin ich als Vocal Coach?
Singen ist meine absolute Leidenschaft und seit einem Jahr begleite ich Sänger|innen auf ihrer musikalischen Reise.. und es berührt und begeistert mich.
Mein erstes Jahr als Vocal Coach hat mir gezeigt, dass viele Sänger|innen sich sehr unter Druck setzen. Wir machen so aber leider keine wirklichen Lernfortschritte. Deswegen beschäftigen wir uns in den Vocal Coachings auch mit Themen, wie dem richtigen Mindset..und das macht doch einen großen Unterschied
Singen soll Spaß machen. Musik muss Freude bereiten!
Und ob man es glaubt oder nicht – das hören wir raus! Das soll in meinem Unterricht an erster Stelle kommen – weil es ist das Herz der Sache.
Meine Devise: No pressure @voiceprint_by_elisabeth_stahl. Step by step arbeiten wir an einer sauberen Technik und einem gelassenen Mindset.
Du hast Bock drauf?
Gönn dir meine Sommerangebote. Die sind sowas von sweet.
Positive Affirmation of the Week

Positive Affirmation of the Week✨
Why? Our subconscious holds a lot of power. Make sure you consciously decide to engage in positive self-talk. It will respond accordingly! 💗
Of course, what you are saying to yourself must align with your values & beliefs. I hope this affirmation resonates with you! Feel free to change it, if needed 🧐
I just love this one 😊 I love to use it, when everything feels overwhelming and I simply don’t know which step to take next. It’s a perfect guide, when you’re feeling lost. When in doubt, be patient. Don’t force the solution. I found that good decisions do not form under pressure. 🤓
As Lao Tzu says:
Do you have the patience to wait until your mud settles and the water is clear? 😊
Artist‘s Inspiration

Happy Birthday, Prince.. a little late, sorry 💜🎊
Prince is definitely known as a creative genius. His unique style is something we can not deny. His songwriting has touched millions of hearts and it continues to have a huge impact on today’s musicians all over the world. 🎶
Prince has built a great support system for artists such as Chaka Khan, Corinne Bailey Rae, Lianne La Havas, Snoh Aalegra, Ledisi etc. It‘s beautiful how Prince made them feel heard & seen, as they‘d say.
I think, Prince really encourages artists to be unapologetically themselves. It’s important to remember that. You don’t always have to fit in. Maybe this is where art begins.. 🧐 Create art that you like. The audience always comes second! 💜
Positive Affirmation & Some Thoughts

I, my name, am exactly where I‘m supposed to be.
We get ahead of ourselves. We plan out every little detail. We think about tomorrow‘s lunch when we haven’t had today‘s breakfast. It’s all going so fast, we then say – when in fact, it is not that time is passing by so rapidly but it’s because we don’t pay attention to the present moment.
Is it the fear of having not achieved enough so far..? The fear of not being or having enough in the future..? The fear of missing out on something that is meant for us..? 🧐
How to live up to our own expectations, society‘s expectations, parents‘ expectations, lover‘s expectations, friends‘ expectations..? 😮💨
Take a step back and evaluate what you truly want. And know that whatever it is .. it wants you too.. and it will fall into place when the timing is right. 🧡
Being alright with being where you are now will truly transform your life. I believe that everything happens for a reason! Use this affirmation if you need this spirit right now!✨
📝For more positive & uplifting affirmations go to Story Highlight (Mindset)
Your new favorite podcast for creatives 🫶🏻
Having trouble with your inner critic? Listen to my first episode ,Identify Your Inner Critic‘! ✨
Learn about its nature & how to take the first step to master it 💗
I‘m excited, I always wanted to do a podcast. ☺️ This topic is really something that is close to my heart! Hope you like it! 💛
Click on the picture & have a listen! 👂 🎧